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Introductory course of educational “Program Of Training The Teaching Of Grigori Grabovoi”




Program of training the teaching of Grigori Grabovoi This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. announces the start of training on “Introductory course of educational “PROGRAM OF TRAINING THE TEACHING OF GRIGORI GRABOVOI”", approved by Grigori Grabovoi in 2006 and supplemented by him.

This Introductory course is an integral part of the educational “PROGRAM OF TRAINING THE TEACHING OF GRIGORI GRABOVOI” and intended for formation of the system integral perception of Grigori Grabovoi`s Teaching “On Salvation and harmonious development” as an educational system that allows people regardless of their age, educational level, religion and social status through mastering the knowledge of the laws of reality development, to learn the technologies of eternal life and harmonious development.

Students of the course in the process of training, obtain knowledge of basic fundamental laws of events control that ensure eternal life and harmonious development, and practical skills that are necessary for the accurate transfer of the Knowledge of Grigori Grabovoi`s Teaching. This knowledge is necessary for all the sub-licensees and disciples of Grigori Grabovoi`s Teaching when conducting seminars on this course, giving lecture topics on the sections of the Teaching, holding practical trainings on technologies and methods of the Teaching. Single platform will enable listeners of thematic courses and seminars at a later date to join actively in the studying of specific sections of the Teaching.

Upon completion of the course, students receive a Certificate – evidence of attending Introductory course of educational“PROGRAM OF TRAINING THE TEACHINGS OF GRIGORI GRABOVOI” and will be able to accurately transfer the acquired knowledge. In cases of delivery of activities (lectures, seminars and other events mass character), listeners must in accordance with the requirements of the licensing legislation have a sublicensed contract with a legal entity, such as 'grigori.grabovoi.doo', having the license to promote the Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi.

Course duration: 5 days (36 academic hours).

The number of group participants: from 10 to 20 people.